Cancellation and Refund Policies

The Quote Bot,  which owns and operates the website has adopted the following cancellation and refund policies for its’ products and services. The client explicitly agrees to abide by these policies by use of the above website:

  • Setup fees are fully refundable if cancellation is received from client prior to ANY account provisioning work being done and as long as cancellation is received from client prior to 30-days from when client initially signed up.
  • Should any account provisioning/setup occur on behalf of client, all setup fee(s) due and/or paid thereby become non-refundable.
  • Should a period of 30 days elapse from when signup occurred and the client has not commenced account setup, all setup fee(s) thereby become non-refundable.
  • All monthly fees and per quote fees (which are paid in arrears) are due in full and non-refundable.
  • We require 30-days advance notice of cancellation for all monthly service accounts.

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